Must Read Books About Startup Strategy And Growth

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The guide curates essential literature for entrepreneurs and startups, focusing on startup strategy, growth, and innovation. It presents a selection of books that delve into various aspects of business development, from evaluating startup projects and designing disruptive innovation to mastering behavioural-driven digital marketing strategies.


How to Evaluate Startup Projects

● When Businesses Test Hypotheses: A Four-Step Approach To Risk Management For Innovative Startups. With a foreword by Anthony J. Tether. – Dmytro Shestakov (Apr 2024). Ibidem Press, Ukrainian Voices, vol. 52. ISBN: 978-3-8382-1883-0.● Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Finance – Marco Da Rin, Thomas Hellmann (2020). Oxford University Press. ISBN 978–0–19–974475–6.● Project valuation using real options. Practicioner's guide – Prasad Kodukula, Chandra Papudesu (2006). J. Ross Publishing. ISBN: 1-932159-43-6.● Investments. 12th edition – Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan Marcus (2020). McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-1-26001-383-2.● The Real Cost of Capital: A Business Field Guide to Better Financial Decisions – Tim Ogier, John Rugman, Lucinda Spicer (2004). Financial Times Press. ISBN: 978-0-27368-874-7.

Books About Startup Strategy and Management

● The Lean Startup: How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses. First edition – Eric Ries (2011). Portfolio Penguin. ISBN: 978-0-67092-160-7. ● Rules for Revolutionaries: The Capitalist Manifesto for Creating New Products and Services. First edition – Guy Kawasaki (2009). Harper Business. ISBN: 978-0-88730-996-0.● When Businesses Test Hypotheses: A Four-Step Approach To Risk Management For Innovative Startups. With a foreword by Anthony J. Tether. – Dmytro Shestakov (Apr 2024). Ibidem Press, Ukrainian Voices, vol. 52. ISBN: 978-3-8382-1883-0● Getting to Plan B: Breaking Through to a Better Business Model – John Mullins, Randy Komisar (2009). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-42212-669-1.● The Four Steps to the Epiphany: Successful Strategies for Products that Win. First Edition, Steve Blank (2020). Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-11969-035-1.● Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers – Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur (2010). Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-47087-641-1. ● Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist. Fourth Edition – Brad Feld, Jason Mendelson (2019). Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-11959-482-6.● Angels, Dragons and Vultures: How to Tame the Venture Capital Beasts Without Losing Your Company – Simon Acland (2011). Nicholas Brealey Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-85788-551-4.● Leading at the Speed of Growth: Journey from Entrepreneur to CEO. First edition – Katherine Catlin, Jana Matthews (2008). Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-76455-366-0.

Product Strategy and Management for Startups

● Solution Architect's Handbook. Second edition – Saurabh Shrivastava, Neelanjali Srivastav (2022). Packt. ISBN: 978-1-80181-661-8.● Scrum: A revolutionary approach to building teams, beating deadlines and boosting productivity – Jeff Sutherland (2014). Random House Business. ISBN: 978-1-84794-108-4.● Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days – Braden Kowitz, Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky (2016). Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 978-1-50112-174-6.● The Experience Economy: Competing for Customer Time, Attention, and Money –Joseph Pine II, James Gilmore (2019). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-63369-797-3.● User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product – Jeff Patton, Peter Economy (2014). O′Reilly. ISBN: 978-1-49190-490-9.


Startup Digital Marketing Strategy

● Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade – Robert Chaldini (2017). Random House Business. ISBN: 978-1-84794-143-5.● The Adweek Copywriting Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Powerful Advertising and Marketing Copy from One of America's Top Copywriters – Joseph Sugarman (2006). Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-47005-124-5.● Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital – Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan (2017). Wiley. ISBN: 978-1-11934-120-8.● How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don't Know – Byron Sharp (2010). Oxford University Press. ISBN: 978-0-19557-356-5.● Digital Branding: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Strategy, Tactics, Tools and Measurement. Third edition – Daniel Rowles (2022). Kogan Page. ISBN: 978-1-39860-320-2.● The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing: Violate Them at Your Own Risk – Al Ries, Jack Trout (1993). HarperCollins. ISBN: 978-0-88730-592-4.● Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind: The Battle for Your Mind. Second edition – Al Ries, Jack Trout (2001). McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN: 978-0-07137-358-6.

Product, Marketing and Customer Analytics

● Measuring the User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting UX Metrics (Interactive Technologies). Third edition – Bill Albert, Tom Tullis (2022). Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN: 978-0-12818-080-8.● Business Analytics: Data Analysis & Decision Making. Seventh edition – Wayne Winston, Christian Albright (2019). South-Western College Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-35710-995-3.● Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python. Second edition – Joel Grus (2019). O′Reilly. ISBN: 978-1-49204-113-9.● Learning Google Analytics: Creating Business Impact and Driving Insights – Mark Edmondson (2022). O'Reilly Media. ISBN: 978-1-09811-308-7.

Understanding Disruptive Innovation

● When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail. Reprint edition – Clayton M. Christensen (2013). Harvard Business School Press. ISBN: 978-1-42219-602-1.● The Disruption Dilemma – Gans Joshua (2016). MIT Press. ISBN: 978-0-26203-448-7.● The Innovator's Guide to Growth: Putting Disruptive Innovation to Work – Scott Anthony, Mark Johnson, Joseph Sinfield, Elizabeth Altman (2008). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-59139-846-2.● The Innovator's DNA. With a New Preface: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators – Jeff Dyer, Hal Gregersen, Clayton M. Christensen (2019). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-63369-720-1.

The Art of Innovation Management

● Making Innovation Work: How to Manage It, Measure It, and Profit from It. Updated Edition – Tony Davila, Marc Epstein, Robert Shelton (2011). Pearson FT Press. ISBN: 978-0-13309-258-5.● HBR's 10 Must Reads on Innovation (with featured article "The Discipline of Innovation" by Peter F. Drucker) – Harvard Business Review Press (2013). ISBN: 978-1-63369-460-6.● The Innovator's Method: Bringing the Lean Start-up into Your Organization – Nathan Furr, Jeff Dyer, Clayton M. Christensen (2014). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-62527-146-4.● The Medici Effect: What Elephants and Epidemics Can Teach Us About Innovation – Frans Johansson, Teresa Amabile (2017). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-63369-292-3.● Innovation Management: Effective strategy and implementation. Third Edition – Keith Goffin, Rick Mitchell (2016). Red Globe Press. ISBN: 978-1-13737-343-4.● Innovation Capital: How to Compete and Win Like the World's Most Innovative Leaders – Jeff Dyer, Nathan Furr, Curtis Lefrandt (2019). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-63369-652-5.The PDMA Handbook of New Product Development. Third Edition – Kenneth B. Kahn (2013). John Wiley & Sons. ASIN: B00I60RERS.


Psychology of Startup Uncertainty and Risks

● Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk – Peter L. Bernstein (1998). Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-47129-563-1.● Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism – George Akerlof, Robert Shiller (2010). Princeton University Press. ISBN: 978-0-69114-592-1.● Judgement Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases. First edition – Daniel Kahneman, Paul Slovic, Amos Tversky (1982). Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 978–0-52128-414-1.● Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets – Nassim Nicholas Taleb (2005). Random House Trade Paperbacks. ISBN: 978-0-81297-521-5.● Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions – Dan Ariely (2009). Harper. ISBN: 978-0-0611855-454-5.

How to Create the Best Business Strategy

● Good Strategy, Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters – Richard Rumelt (2011). Crown Currency. ISBN: 978-0-30788-623-1.● HBR's 10 Must Reads on Strategy (including featured article "What Is Strategy?" by Michael E. Porter) – Harvard Business Review Press (2011). ISBN: 978-1-63369-449-1.● Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy – Joan Magretta (2011). Harvard Business Review Press. ISBN: 978-1-42216-059-6.● Harvard Business Review on Advances in Strategy – Harvard Business Review Press (2002). ISBN: 978-1-57851-803-6.● The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business – Ethan M. Rasiel (1999). McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07053-448-3.